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Seminar – EUROPAL Brown Bag seminar: European recovery fund (including Q&A)

Radboud Universiteit

The introduction of the NextGenarationEU agreement following the Covid-19 crisis, with the Recovery and Resilience Facility (EU Recovery Fund – RRF) at its heart, has widely been deemed as a breakthrough in European solidarity and a clear testcase for common funding in the future. Now that the implementation is halfway, slowly the question emerges whether it can be considered a success? In the seminar, David will argue that the RRF is changing economic governance and EU-Member State relations in a fundamental way, with a much more pronounced role of EU institutions in national policymaking processes. The RRF is seen as a model for other policy areas as well, but it is not without its problems and challenges.


  • David Bokhorst (European University Institute)


Heyendaalseweg 141,
6525AJ Nijmegen