Edited by Eric Bartelsman and Esther-Mirjam Sent

Robert Dur
A master class in policy research
James Heckman and Laura van Geest
Moderator Eric Bartelsman
Fellow travelers on the journey to improve lives through better policy
Joseph E. Stiglitz and José Ángel Gurría
Moderator Esther-Mirjam Sent
Building a bridge to the future
Sir Christopher Pissarides and Eric Wiebes
Moderator Eric Bartelsman
The central bank cannot be the only game in town
Lars Peter Hansen and Peter Praet
Moderator Eric Bartelsman
Sir Angus Deaton and Wouter Koolmees
Moderator Esther-Mirjam Sent
Round table on the interaction between policy and academia
Account by Elisa de Weerd
Eric Bartelsman and Esther-Mirjam Sent