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Conferentie: Infrastructure and mobility: Strong connections with neighbouring countries towards a sustainable and liveable society across the border


For major tasks such as energy transition and the development of sustainable transport, cross-border cooperation is essential. An important form of cross-border cooperation is the European transport corridors, which focus on pipelines, ports (hydrogen) and rail, among others. Within corridors are subareas that have often already organized themselves across borders, such as the Benelux, Eurodelta, La Grande Région and the Dutch-Flemish cooperation with the initiation of a switching mechanism.

In the corridors, Europe and the member states arrive at practical and impactful solutions. Several questions arise in cross-border cooperation on infrastructure and mobility. How can interpreting border effects at the start of new developments increase the impact in practice? How do cross-border governance structures deal with the formation of structural substantive coalitions? In what way can the use of instruments be an important catalyst for achieving transcending objectives?

The importance of cross-border cooperation in social tasks is increasing. At the ITEM Annual Conference 2023 we would like to discuss with you the importance of European transport corridors for the development towards a sustainable and liveable society and the cross-border issues involved.

The province of Zuid-Holland is hosting the ITEM Annual Conference 2023. This conference will take place on Friday, November 17, 2023 at the county hall in The Hague. An interesting programme has been put together for you.


  • Joachim Beck (Hochschule Kehl)


Zuid Hollandplein 1,
2596 AW Den Haag