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Invitation: Round table on gender issues for young academics

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Gepubliceerd om: september 20 2018

Women are vastly underrepresented in senior academic positions at the economic departments in Dutch universities. While 40 percent of the PhD-students are female, only 10 percent of the full professors are. The economic discipline in the Netherlands has the lowest share of female full professors among all academic disciplines in the Netherlands and its share is among the lowest internationally.


* Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB) is a 103 year old Dutch non-peer-reviewed economic journal, currently owned by the Dutch Financial Daily newspaper (Het Financieele Dagblad) and the Royal Dutch Association of Political Economy (KVS). ESB exchanges knowledge between policy makers and academics by publishing articles on a wide array of economic topics. See: The special issue Women in Economics will be published in English.
** Chatham House Rule means all participants are free to share with anyone what has been said and who was present, but not who said what. This provides a safe environment for participants to share sensitive deliberations or voice dissenting opinions.
*** ESB thanks the Utrecht School of Economics for hosting the round table.  

To explore the topic, ESB* will publish an English-language special issue containing research articles by leading Dutch academics on November 1st. The special issue will be distributed at the economics departments in the Netherlands.

As this topic is more than ‘just another policy issue’ – it is highly personal to many academics – ESB would like to include personal views to the special issue.

Therefore, we organize a round table on gender issues for academics at Dutch universities who are in a career stage between the PhD and the full professorship (so post-docs, assistant and associate professors and comparable). In this closed round table we would like to hear your experiences with the issue, your views on its causes and the solutions you might advocate. We will make a report of the round table and publish it under the Chatham House Rule** in the special issue.

The session will take place at the Academiegebouw of Utrecht University (Domplein 29, Utrecht) on Monday October 8th from 17.30 till 20.30 hours (yes, there will be food).

If you would like to participate, please inform Sobana Sheikh Rashid by email ( As there is room for only a limited number of participants and we aim to have participants with a diverse background, please include your current and (when relevant former) affiliation and position in the email.

Also if you have questions, contact Sobana.

Hope to see you on the 8th,

Jasper Lukkezen

Editor-in-chief ESB

