We propose a weak-instrument-robust subvector Lagrange multiplier test for instrumental variables regression. We show that it is asymptotically size-correct under a technical condition. This is the first weak-instrument-robust subvector test for instrumental variables regression to recover the degrees of freedom of the commonly used Wald test, which is not robust to weak instruments. Additionally, we provide a closed-form solution for subvector confidence sets obtained by inverting the subvector Anderson-Rubin test. We show that they are centered around a k-class estimator. Also, we show that the subvector confidence sets for single coefficients of the causal parameter are jointly bounded if and only if Anderson’s likelihood-ratio test rejects the hypothesis that the first-stage regression parameter is of reduced rank, that is, that the causal parameter is not identified. Finally, we show that if a confidence set obtained by inverting the Anderson-Rubin test is bounded and nonempty, it is equal to a Wald-based confidence set with a data-dependent confidence level. We explicitly compute this Wald-based confidence test. Joint paper with Peter Bühlmann.
University of Amsterdam, room E5.22
- Malte Londschien (ETH Zürich)
Roetersstraat 11,1018 WB Amsterdam